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Léonie Kelsall
Home, Heart & Heroes

Léonie Kelsall
Sep 26, 20232 min read
I've not finished doing promotions for The Willow Tree Wharf yet, and I'm sure many of you haven't had chance to read it....but, because...
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Léonie Kelsall
Apr 20, 20232 min read
Actually, considering my menagerie, that title could be taken literally! But, now I have your attention, I don't want to hold you up for...
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Léonie Kelsall
Nov 17, 20223 min read
What a month!
Goodness me, but it's been a month! Yes, I know, it's technically the middle of November, but I'm only just coming up for air - briefly -...
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Léonie Kelsall
Feb 5, 20215 min read
You know when the skin prickles on the back of your neck...
Do you believe in forbidden places? Areas where the ancestral cultural taboo is so strong, you immediately know you have no right to...
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Léonie Kelsall
Nov 29, 20203 min read
Road Trip - and a top secret recipe!
Thanks to the dedication and determination of the library staff, we finally managed to take The Farm at Peppertree Crossing on a COVID...
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Léonie Kelsall
Sep 27, 20203 min read
OOPS! - and a recipe (although read the warning)
COVID restrictions in South Australia have been minimal, and we're now returning to 'normal'. Excitingly, my real-live,...
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Léonie Kelsall
Sep 4, 20205 min read
Never admit to failure!
Actually, that’s not my mantra at all, because I tend to think my failures are rather hilarious. Take this week, for instance… As those...
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Léonie Kelsall
Aug 7, 20204 min read
Toilet Tribulations
A Lament to my Loo Or should the title be Pooper Prose? Maybe A Dirge for my Dunny? Let me tell you all about it… At the end of last...
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Léonie Kelsall
Jul 16, 20202 min read
WRITE WHAT YOU KNOW...or so they say
All writers have heard – and possibly railed against (or is that just me?) the saying, ‘Write what you Know’. The idea behind the adage...
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Léonie Kelsall
Jun 5, 20203 min read
Winter means Baking!!! (plus my favourite recipes)
Actually, those who follow my Instagram or Facebook know that's a bit of a porky - I bake ALL the time...but Covid quarantine...
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Léonie Kelsall
May 14, 20202 min read
Farm Meanderings
FARM MEANDERINGS...If you follow me on social media, you'll probably realise that I spend a lot of time on the farm where I grew up.
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Léonie Kelsall
Jul 23, 20171 min read
Okay, so that sounds a little more thrilling than the post warrants! Having noticed that there are TYPOS on my first page— (yeah, yeah, I...
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